Mitigating Climate Risk through Internal Carbon Pricing

You’ve identified your climate risks, but how do you begin to mitigate them and drive change within your business?

Assessing climate risk is now a business imperative, driven by evolving mandatory regulations, investor expectations, and market sentiment. These climate risks can be split into two categories; physical risks, such as extreme weather events and sea-level rise, and transitional risks, associated with the transition to a low carbon economy.

Businesses are now looking for strategic initiatives to mitigate these risks to help them prepare for and thrive in a carbon-constrained future. Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP) is one such mechanism that can help businesses to mitigate transitional risk by assigning a cost to carbon which can embed change by supporting decision making, promoting low carbon innovation, and facilitating behaviour change.

Listen back to the recording as we look at:

  • Moving on from climate risk – the importance of responding to your climate risks with tangible action to embed new sustainable ways of working
  • Why embedding internal carbon pricing is one of the most powerful actions businesses can take to respond to their climate risk
  • Understanding the cost of carbon for your organisation and how it can help you to achieve your carbon targets
  • Practical examples of how other organisations are strategically embedding ICP within their business to respond to their climate risk

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