Home Case Studies Net Zero Goal Setting and Implementation for Ecolab
Enhance Ecolab’s leadership position by developing climate commitments aligned with UN Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign.
- Carbon and water footprinting
- GHG emissions inventory data collection, management, and reporting
- Software implementation and management of 3rd party environmental metrics database
- Climate risk modeling and analysis
- Peer benchmarking, market insights, and customer needs assessment
- 100% renewable energy roadmap development
- Science-based target (SBT) development and net-zero roadmap planning
- Carbon reduction strategy development across Scopes 1, 2, and 3
- Supplier engagement
- Public and internal communications campaigns
Ecolab committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050 and a 1.5°C SBT. Goals include achieving 100% renewable energy by 2030, electrifying the global vehicle fleet, and engaging suppliers to set their own SBTs, covering 70% of Ecolab’s Scope 3 emissions. Early progress includes a 100 MW vPPA project covering 100% of Ecolab’s North American electricity consumption through 2030.