Out & About in the Central KZN Midlands


14 July 2023

By Matt Ford, Account Manager – AgriCarbon (KZN) 

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I recently had the privilege of visiting one of our AgriCarbon Farmers in the central KZN midlands. I was inspired to witness firsthand the positive impact on the soil health this farm has achieved within a single season of establishing a cover cropping system on maize.    

By introducing cover cropping and increasing overall soil cover throughout the year. Not only was the productivity of the land increased, but the increase in coverage and introduction of extra variety into the cropping rotation has had visible benefits on the soil health and biology.    

Introducing practices such as cover cropping not only contributes to mitigating climate change but also opens doors to additional benefits for farmers. It’s a win-win situation as the adoption of sustainable practices not only leads to healthier and more productive soils but also provides opportunities to earn carbon credits.   

By embracing sustainable practices, farmers can unlock the hidden potential of their land, improve soil health, and contribute to a more resilient agricultural system. Moreover, participating in the AgriCarbon Programme offers a possible financial incentive to offset both the costs involved and uncertainty associated with the uptake of sustainability.    

I strongly encourage fellow farmers to explore the vast benefits of sustainable agriculture. Working together we can embark on a transformative journey towards a more sustainable future and drive impact at scale. By working hand in hand, we can cultivate thriving ecosystems, bolster food security, and address the urgent challenges posed by climate change.  
