Leading investors are increasingly going beyond analysing financially material risks in their portfolios, to assess their most salient human rights risks – those that present the most severe potential impact to people. 

We leverage our experience in assessing human rights risks for corporates and our regional expertise to help investors screen portfolios for their highest risk assets. We also help investors get ahead of human rights issues pre-transaction including in the supply chain, spotlighting high risk sectors and regions and providing tailored analysis on critical issues. We bring a human rights lens to environmental & social due diligence, analysing risks based on gold standard frameworks such as the IFC Performance Standards as well as the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (UNGPs).

Responsible Investment Solutions

We support investors in identifying, prioritising, and managing critical human rights risks across their portfolios. As the investment landscape evolves beyond traditional financial risk assessments, we focus on addressing human rights issues that have profound impacts on individuals and communities, helping investors align with emerging ethical and regulatory standards.

Our Approach to Responsible Investment

Due Diligence – Integrating human rights considerations into ESG due diligence policies and processes.

Portfolio Screening – Screening portfolios to map highest risk assets and identify the most salient human rights risks.

Risks & Opportunities – Identifying and assessing human rights risks and opportunities as part of pre-transaction due diligence.

Action Plans – Designing timebound action plans to improve management of human rights risks pre- and post-transaction.

Training – Delivering bespoke training for ESG managers, deal teams and portfolio companies on human rights risk management.

Case studies

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Our Responsible Investment Experts

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