Empower Your Sustainability Journey with Carbon Solutions
Discover how investing in carbon credits fits into your climate strategy
Our approach to investing in the carbon market enables our clients to counter-balance (‘offset’) their residual emissions responsibly while pursuing a long-term credible reduction pathway.
We provide best-in-class carbon credits sourced through an intensive due diligence process, and we develop our own impactful carbon projects.
Our experts will support you through each step of your Net Zero journey, to ensure your organisation is ‘on track’ in reducing its carbon impact.
We continuously evolve and align our ‘best practice’ approach to carbon credits investment according to the revised (2024) Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon, SBTi’s Beyond Value Chain Mitigation guidance, and the ICVCM & ICROA.
Trusted by

Carbon Solutions
Carbon Insights

Urfa Yenice Landfill Gas-to-Energy Project Reaches Carbon Credit Issuance

CBAM Financial Impacts in 2026: What Your Business Needs to Know Now

iCI and Anthesis Launch New Guidance on the VCM for Private Markets

New Foundational Guidance for Private Markets on the Voluntary Carbon Market

Demystifying Renewable Energy Attribute Certificates

Sustainability Trends to Watch in 2025

A Year of Interim Targets and Dealing with Uncertainty
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management
Anthesis RouteZero is the first credible solution to digitally deliver a comprehensive Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction platform – from intelligent climate planning to optimal investment strategies and implementation activities.
Carbon Projects
Our Quality Standards
At Anthesis, we ensure that the credits you purchase genuinely
contribute to a reduction in carbon. Every credit represents
a reduction of one ton of CO2 in the atmosphere. This claim
is verified by independent, internationally recognised
agencies, which check whether our projects meet precisely
defined standards.

Our Carbon Experts
Talk to one of our experts
Anthesis develops and supports technology and nature-based offsetting projects within the Voluntary Carbon Market. Our carbon offset programmes are suitable for organisations wanting to take responsibility for their residual emissions.
If you prefer to get a comprehensive overview about the Voluntary Carbon Market, the latest developments and our offering, please book an online meeting via our contact form, filling in “Carbon VCM training” in the message box.