Power & Utilities

Delivering energy resilience and utilities sustainability services.
water cleaning facility

The Opportunity in the Energy Transition

The utilities sector has an important part to play in the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon future. Power and utilities suppliers must find ways of halving emissions by 2030 to avoid the impacts of 2 degrees of global warming by rapidly electrifying systems and decarbonising our energy mix. 

Electricity and heat in the energy sector are responsible for 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions, creating a unique opportunity and challenge for organisations. The utilities sector sits at the juncture between two critical strategies to facilitate the energy transition and achieve climate change imperatives: to dramatically reduce the footprint of our electrical grid, and combined strategies of electrification, options from the hydrogen economy, decentralised heat, power and gas, as well as grid decarbonisation.  

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Case Studies

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Anthesis has been a critical partner in SRP’s transformational sustainability journey. The team helped our business partners to embrace the challenge, set comprehensive organisational goals, engaged our stakeholders, embed sustainability in our business, and develop innovative programs that are amplifying SRP’s role as a leader in the community.

Salt River Project

We have over 15 years’ experience in the utilities services outlined, and a reputation for finding common ground among stakeholders within consortia.

  • We have supported the traditional ‘big 6’ retail suppliers in the UK market deliver on their Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) for over 10 years
  • We support the Electric Utility Industry Sustainable Supply Chain Alliance (EUISSCA) a CPO lead group of 19 leading US electric power utilities driving sustainability into the supply chain

Utilities Sector Team

We are the world’s leading purpose driven, digitally enabled, science-based activator. And always welcome inquiries and partnerships to drive positive change together.