How the US is Tackling Waste and Circularity

Wise Women in Waste | 16 December 2022, 2023 | Ep. 18
wise women in waste podcast series


Debbie Hitchen, Director
Kristyn Oldendorf

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In this episode of Wise Women in Waste, Debbie Hitchen is joined by Kristyn Oldendorf. In Europe, the waste sector is very heavily regulated with major interventions in the waste management systems, but in past the US has taken a more market-based approach. This discussion explores how this approach may be changing.

wise women in waste
Activating Sustainability
Wise Women in Waste | Ep 18: How the US is Tackling Waste and Circularity

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Inside this episode

  • How Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) varies across the US.
  • What are the main challenges in the US to effectively scale up re-use, recycling, and design for recycling.
  • How upcoming legislation is playing a role in change towards a circular economy.
  • What could be done differently to deliver responsible resource management.

If you have any feedback on the podcast, get in touch with our host Chris Peterson at: