Changing Recycling Behaviours and Innovations with Bristol Waste Company

Wise Women in Waste | 16 March, 2022 | Ep. 13
wise women in waste podcast series


Debbie Hitchen – Director
Gwen Frost – Head of Innovation & Sustainability, Bristol Waste Company

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In this episode of the Wise Women in Waste podcast series, our podcast host is delighted to be joined by Gwen Frost, Head of Innovation & Sustainability at Bristol Waste Company. This episode explores waste prevention, community engagement, sustainable materials and how waste fits in with Bristol City Council’s Net Zero plans.

activating sustainability
Activating Sustainability
Wise Women in Waste | Ep 13: Changing Recycling Behaviours and Innovations with Bristol Waste Company

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Inside this episode

  • How to deploy effective community engagement tactics to improve and instil recycling habits in households and businesses.
  • How the Municipality’s plans for Net Zero and the Climate Emergency impact on Bristol’s waste management.
  • What businesses can do to encourage the recycling of their products and packaging.
  • The importance of understanding on the ground collection and recycling systems when selecting material alternatives for products and packaging.
  • How the pandemic impacted local recycling trends and waste arisings and how does it change our future?

If you have any feedback on the podcast, get in touch with our host Chris Peterson at: