Human Rights Violations in Global Supply Chains

Activating Sustainability | 25 February, 2021 | Ep. 18
activating sustainability


Chris Peterson – Director
Adriana Quintero
Ramesh Panavalli

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Join Ramesh Panavalli, Adriana Quintero and Chris Peterson in Anthesis’ latest podcast which broaches the important issues around human rights violations and what this means for companies and their supply chains.

activating sustainability
Activating Sustainability
Activating Sustainability | Ep 18: Human Rights Violations in Global Supply Chains

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Inside this episode

Recent news stories have brought the unsettling truth about human rights violations and forced labour to the forefront of public awareness. We can no longer hide from the fact that this exists in our modern world and permeates our global supply chains. The time is now to address and tackle these issues so we can work towards a just society for all.

In the first Activating Sustainability episode of 2021, Chris Peterson is joined by Adriana Quintero and Ramesh Panavalli to broach this important and urgent issue. The discussion covers a spectrum of topics across the human rights sphere, including the challenges that businesses are facing with regards to forced labour and the progressive tightening of EU Due Diligence legislation.

If you have any feedback on the podcast, get in touch with our host Chris Peterson at: