The EU Green Deal: A Road to Recovery

Activating Sustainability | 3 August, 2020 | Ep. 13
activating sustainability


Chris Peterson – Director
Joana Soares
– Director
Miquel Rubio– Director

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In Episode 13, our host Chris Peterson is joined by Joana Soares and Miquel Rubio to unpack the new European Green Deal and what this early model of ‘Build Back Better’ could look like.

activating sustainability
Activating Sustainability
Activating Sustainability | Ep 13: The EU Green Deal: A Road to Recovery

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Inside this episode

Joana and Miquel dissect the key challenges and opportunities of the European Green Deal and highlight how, given the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever for everyone globally to get behind it.

The EU Green Deal is an actionable roadmap for making the EU’s economy sustainable in order to become climate neutral by 2050. It outlines investments needed and the financing tools available, and explains how to ensure a just and inclusive transition.

If you have any feedback on the podcast, get in touch with our host Chris Peterson at: