Reflections on ESG during the COVID Crisis

Activating Sustainability | 22 May, 2020 | Ep. 11
activating sustainability


Chris Peterson – Director
Sarah Gilby

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In this episode, our host Chris Peterson is joined by Sarah Gilby to discuss Environmental Social Governance (ESG) during the COVID-19 crisis. Sarah reflects on short and long-term ESG management for organisations during these evolving times and how they can ‘build back better’ for a more sustainable future.

activating sustainability
Activating Sustainability
Activating Sustainability | Ep 11: Reflections on ESG during the COVID Crisis

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Inside this episode

They draw connections between social and environmental sustainability and discuss Sarah discusses how COVID-19 is testing companies on their ESG values, particularly with regard to stakeholder, employee and customer relations.

Some of the questions addressed are:

  • How can we ‘build back better’ for the future, folding ESG into business principles?
  • How will the role of health and safety play out in the return to workplaces and building back of businesses?
  • How has purpose played into corporate agility and the COVID-19 response?
  • What ESG topics matter most in the short and long term?

If you have any feedback on the podcast, get in touch with our host Chris Peterson at: