Marco joined Anthesis in 2018 as Director in the newly established Italian business (Anthesis Srl), with an office based in Rome. Marco has more than 20 years of experience in environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA), integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC), project monitoring on behalf of Lenders in IF projects and permitting procedures. While continuing to provide clients with his expertise, Marco’s services are enriched by the unique Anthesis know how in the development of sustainable solutions.
Marco has worked for the permitting and ESIA of infrastructures (motorways, power transmission lines and pipelines) and a variety of industrial sectors including the oil and gas industry, power generation from fossil fuels and renewables, petrochemical, chemical and metallurgic sectors, and waste landfills.
Whilst being based in Italy, Marco has worked in more than 20 countries in different continents. Within the framework of IPPC related projects, Marco has developed the capability to prepare design alternative analyses comprehensive of the assessment of external (social) costs. Technically, Marco is an expert in air emission control and abatement and air pollutant dispersion.
Marco holds an MSc in Nuclear Engineering and a post-graduation specialization in Industrial Safety and Protection, both from the University of Pisa. He collaborated with the Universities of Pisa (Italy) and Wales in developing tools for the modelling of air pollutant dispersion. Marco has been a Registered Engineer in Italy since 1996.