Arantxa is Associate Director of the department of Educational Services in science and technology museums and research centres. She coordinates the teams of educators, mediators and facilitators for the revitalisation of scientific activities. She also conceptualises and designs these activities and develops innovative spaces and sessions for all types of audiences for scientific training and for sustainable development.
Arantxa began her career at Anthesis 18 years ago, starting as an Educator of the sustainability education programme “How does Barcelona work?”. Later she went on to coordinate the programme, and progressed on to coordinating different environmental education programmes, environmental interpretation centres and educational innovation projects.
Additionally, she coordinates educational teams in scientific museums such as the CosmoCaixa and scientific research centres such as the Alba Synchrotron and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
While her professional career began in the framework of sustainable development, more recently she has specialised in scientific dissemination as she considers that Anthesis are great mediators to increase the scientific capital of people and thus, train them for the environmental challenges of the 21st century.