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In this article, we are featuring an interview with Rene Lopez, Senior Team Lead at Anthesis.
To begin with, can you tell us about yourself and how you came to work in sustainability?
I am interested and impacted by learning about food, the environment, society, and the universe.
Coming to work in sustainability was a progression in my career, starting as a chemist in the manufacturing and environment field then moving into compliance and then to corporate social responsibility audits.
I am now a Senior Team Lead for new projects based in Anthesis Philippines. I handle ESG, sustainability, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and any new projects that are non-product environmental compliance in nature.
Can you name a person who has inspired you throughout your career? Why and how did this person impact the choices you have made?
I have been blessed with superiors from all my earlier jobs who have inspired and molded my work and ethics throughout the years, picking out bits and pieces of their best traits.
I would consider my superior and mentor from my previous company as the one who opened my eyes to the appreciation of social responsibility in work and how it translates to impacts on the welfare of the workforce, society, the environment, and how companies have the power to contribute to this by setting up safeguards in their operations.
“The key is being able to collaborate with people who also care and do something good to sustain the present, as well as ensure future resources for the next generation.”
What has your experience been as a woman in sustainability?
In my experience, it is a fair game between men and women in the world of sustainability. If a person has sound ideas and is equipped with knowledge and expertise, they can thrive in sustainability. The key is being able to collaborate with people who also care and do something good to sustain the present, as well as ensure future resources for the next generation.
I follow many social media pages and websites where women are celebrated. These give me real inspiration for life, and I find them helpful when speaking to women within my network.
“People say that it is a tall order to save the world, but I believe that a small contribution can go a long way and combining small efforts can lead to a bigger impact”
Based on your experiences, what advice would you share with a woman who is just starting out in their sustainability career?
Be passionate about your convictions on sustainability. People say that it is a tall order to save the world, but I believe that a small contribution can go a long way and combining small efforts can lead to a bigger impact. It may not be the perfect solution, but at least you did something to create a dent.
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