Implementing ISSB: A Practical Guide for Companies

11 February, 2025 | 4:00 PM (GMT) | 11:00 AM (EST)
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Practical insights to equip your company to embark on adopting the ISSB standards with a strategic ‘climate-first’ approach.

To prepare you for what to expect, we draw on real-world examples of how companies in other countries are preparing for mandatory climate disclosure requirements, such as the ISSB-aligned Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (ASRS).

In this session you can explore:

  • An introduction to the ISSB standards  
  • Understanding financial materiality in climate reporting 
  • Practical steps to implementing IFRS S2 – covering emissions, climate risks and opportunities, governance, and more 

Future webinars will cover the implementation of IFRS S1, interoperability with the CSRD, assessing material risks and opportunities, measuring and reporting emissions, integrating climate and nature, links with financial reporting and more. 


Renata Ulloa

Renata Ulloa

Senior Consultant | ESG & Reporting

View the Recording


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