Demystifying Sustainability: A Biodiversity, Social, and Climate Roadmap

Tuesday, September 17th | 4:00pm BST / 11:00am EDT
a butterfly on flowers

The concept of net-zero carbon emissions comes from climate science — we have studied how to measure emissions from human activities and have methods to assess impact.

While there is urgency in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to prevent further catastrophic climate change, the climate is just one of several critical and interdependent components of our life-sustaining web. Equally important are an abundance of diverse species, access to clean air and water, and equity and justice.

To implement and achieve net-zero, we must also protect these social and natural systems and incorporate them into net-zero strategies.

Our live panel discussion featured Anthesis experts discussing the application of biodiversity, social, and climate lenses to corporate sustainability; and how to assess and report on risks, opportunities, and impacts in an integrated way.

In this webinar, you will gain valuable insight into:

  • Examining the benefits of developing a Biodiversity, Social, and Climate Roadmap for companies, clients, and communities.
  • Exploring how to demystify sustainability and why it is increasingly important for organisations to take holistic action across biodiversity, social, and climate aspects of their operations.
  • Key regulations and frameworks requiring companies to understand the impacts their operations and value chains have on biodiversity, society, and climate.
  • Understanding Anthesis’ approach to this complex topic.

We are the world’s leading purpose driven, digitally enabled, science-based activator. And always welcome inquiries and partnerships to drive positive change together.