Home – Case Studies – Reviewing Energy Efficiency Technologies for NHS Foundation Trust
The Situation
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UHBT) wanted to build a business case for multiple technologies to deliver energy savings using Salix funding.
Our Solutions
Anthesis conducted a technical review of multiple energy efficiency technologies and produced detailed costs and projected savings to support funding applications for UHBT.
Key services included:
- Audits to identify energy saving opportunities across the entire estate.
- Detailed assessment of the costs, benefits and practicalities of implementation to identify the opportunities with the greatest savings potential.
- The production of multi-disciplinary business cases to support the Trust’s application for Salix funding.
- Preparation of funding applications, including detailed specifications across LED, BMS, AHU refurbishment, compressed air, burner optimisation and free cooling.
Impacts of the Project
Cost savings
Anthesis identified significant annual cost savings of £550,000, with a combined payback period of less than five years.

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