EUDR Readiness and Supplier Survey Review for Multinational Life Sciences Company

The Situation

A multinational life sciences company reached out seeking support to amplify its already ambitious No Deforestation commitment, and to better understand their potential obligations under the European Union’s Deforestation Regulation.

Our Solutions

The Anthesis Forest Positive team worked one-on-one with our partner to review its sourcing policy, existing supplier surveys, and complete the Anthesis EUDR screening survey, and provided them with: 

  • Clarification regarding reporting requirements under the EUDR .
  • Recommendations to further strengthen its sourcing policy .
  • A better understanding of what responsible and verified sourcing of wood fibres looks like.
  • Re-vamped supplier survey questions to assess supplier traceability and to obtain evidence for responsible and legal harvesting.

Impacts of the Project

Anthesis Arrow


The analysis, research, and recommendations provided by the Forest Positive team has helped our partner further tailor and adapt its sourcing strategy to better reflect best practices for sourcing wood fibre volumes.

Select EUDR Readiness & Supplier Survey Review for Multinational Life Sciences Company EUDR Readiness & Supplier Survey Review for Multinational Life Sciences Company

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