Home Regulations Understanding Natural Capital and the Accounting for Nature Framework
Understanding Natural Capital and the Accounting for Nature Framework
6th March 2025
Home Regulations Understanding Natural Capital and the Accounting for Nature Framework
6th March 2025
The terms accounting for nature, environmental accounting and natural capital are increasingly popping up in business and climate conversations. As carbon neutrality turns mainstream and net zero targets are increasingly set, we are becoming accustomed to counting carbon and emissions reduction as a way to mitigate the worst effects of climate change.
However, this has also put a spotlight on the impact our economies and climate change have on biodiversity and our ecosystems. The widespread destruction of nature and dramatic loss of biodiversity is inextricably linked to climate change and for many industries poses just as big of a threat.
But unlike financial accounting or carbon accounting which are generally formulaic processes, accounting for nature is a complex process. How do you ‘quantify’ natural capital and measure change in the health of the environment? Here we explore what is meant by the term natural capital, why it’s important and how does the Accounting for Nature framework help us quantify nature?
Natural capital is generally defined as stocks of natural resources that are both renewable and non-renewable (e.g., plants, animals, air, water, soils, minerals) that provide valuable social, environmental and economic benefits to humans. These benefits are sometimes referred to as ecosystem services.
The earth’s natural capital is the most important input to the world’s economy. It is equally as important from a social and community aspect, not in the least as humans need clean water and fresh air to survive.
Since the industrial revolution and particularly over the last 50 years, the earth’s natural capital has been destroyed and degraded to levels that are unsustainable and, in some cases, past recovery. Massive loss in species biodiversity due to animal and plant extinctions, dramatic changes in forests and river ecosystems and ocean warming.
Whether raw or ready-to-use resources, nature provides the majority of the capital businesses need for the production of goods and services and ecosystem services humans need to survive.
Some examples of natural capital include:
The problem with traditional western economic systems is that these invaluable ecosystem services that we rely on to thrive and survive, are generally taken from nature for free. Therefore, natural capital is not adequately (or at all) quantified or valued by governments, corporations and consumers.
In many parts of the world this ignorance and mismanagement of natural capital has created an economic liability, and social and ecological liabilities that need to be addressed.
Nature (and biodiversity), climate and human society are interlinked. On the one hand, climate change poses a threat to human well-being and planet health. On the other hand, nature plays a critical role in climate and human systems.
For example, as best described by Sir David Attenborough in A Life on our Planet:
IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report suggests that maintaining the resilience of biodiversity and ecosystem services at a global scale depends on effective and equitable conservation of approximately 30% to 50% of earth’s environmental assets, including land, freshwater and ocean areas.
The ability to measure the biophysical condition of environmental assets as well as changes to that condition allows for nature, and our impacts, to become more visible. With that, we can:
The Accounting for Nature Framework is underpinned by four core documents that outline the rules and processes to follow. These robust documents ensure the highest integrity and transparency of the environmental accounts.
The Accounting for Nature Framework can be used by any organisation or individual, who wants to understand whether actions are improving or degrading natural capital and who wishes to use a world leading, scientifically rigorous methodology to create a certified environmental account.
Over the past decade, the framework has been tried and tested through a collaborative effort by around 200 world-leading experts. The framework is typically used by farmers, indigenous land managers, private conservation organisations, businesses, impact investors, governments and regional natural resource management organisations.
The robust measurement of natural capital provides the foundation we need to value it in a fiscal sense. Regulatory frameworks such as Accounting for Nature now help us quantify nature to specific and verifiable standards and offer a new way of protecting nature while promoting economic growth.
Just as the carbon market has grown rapidly in the last five to ten years, there is real scope for biodiversity credits to evolve on a similar trajectory. In her recent National Biodiversity Conference address, Australia’s new Minister for the Environment and Water recently expressed her enthusiasm for the scheme and that the government sees much potential in this space.
We support companies in measuring their natural capital, reporting under the Accounting for Nature framework and developing Environmental Accounts for the Accounting for Nature Standard. With Accredited Experts on the AfN Register we’re here to support your project.
Email our team or Call +61 3 7035 1740. If you need advice on a wider climate change or sustainability strategy, we can help with that too.
We are the world’s leading purpose driven, digitally enabled, science-based activator. And always welcome inquiries and partnerships to drive positive change together.