Channel Infrastructure

Supporting Channel Infrastructure to prepare its first standalone Sustainability Report and its first report published as part of its import-only business.

The Situation

Channel Infrastructure NZ (formerly Refining New Zealand) is New Zealand’s leading fuel infrastructure company, primarily acting as an import terminal. In response to the national push towards a low-carbon economy, Channel Infrastructure made a significant transition from a refinery-based model to an import-only terminal, prompting a need for comprehensive sustainability reporting to align with their new business direction. This shift marked a crucial milestone in Channel Infrastructure’s commitment to sustainable operations and long-term climate action.

To align with this shift Channel Infrastructure embarked on a project to prepare its inaugural Sustainability Report for FY22, a pivotal document that would underscore its future environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments.

Our Solutions

With a requirement to align with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 2021 standards and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, CI sought guidance to articulate its climate position statement, conduct a materiality assessment, and disclose its ESG metrics and targets in a cohesive and meaningful manner.

Ndevr Environmental, in collaboration with Pollination Capital Partners, played a vital role in supporting Channel Infrastructure’s sustainability reporting initiatives, addressing key aspects crucial for effective reporting and stakeholder communication.

Together, we crafted a comprehensive climate position statement, ensuring alignment with Channel Infrastructure’s strategic vision and objectives. Our team facilitated the TCFD disclosure process, assessing climate-related risks and opportunities while integrating relevant inputs into the Sustainability Report according to TCFD guidelines.

Additionally, we conducted a detailed materiality assessment, highlighting crucial factors that informed the GRI-compliant reporting framework. By integrating Channel Infrastructure’s environmental, social, and governance disclosures within the GRI 2021 standards, we assisted Channel Infrastructure in establishing a robust reporting mechanism that reflects its commitment to a low-carbon economy and positions it as a driver of sustainable business practices in its industry.

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