Wise Women in Waste | Ep 4: Waste and Packaging Strategies at McDonalds

wise women in waste podcast series

In this episode of the Wise Women in Waste podcast series, our podcast hosts are joined by, Floor Uitterhoeve, Global Sustainability Manager at McDonald’s, based in the Netherlands. This episode will look back on Floor’s background in environmental politics and how that set a foundation for her career journey in the food and beverage industry.

Debbie Hitchen

Debbie Hitchen

Floor Uitterhoeve

Floor Uitterhoeve

Inside this podcast

  • McDonald’s approach to circularity and the importance of packaging and waste in its sustainability strategy.
  • How the pandemic has disrupted the sustainability strategies of McDonald’s.
  • Driving packaging strategies on both a global and local level.
activating sustainability
Activating Sustainability
Wise Women in Waste | Ep 4: Easte and Packaging Strategies at McDonalds